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The next master in Hysteroscopic Surgery
can be you

Our Supporters

What we DO

We don't just teach: We enlighten, We solve, We cure.
MIS Academy is a place to share knowledge about Minimally Invasive Surgery


GESEA Diploma Centre

MIS Academy Europe offers

structured training

programmes, certifications,

courses and proctorship

following the

GESEA guidelines.


MIS Academy Europe offers structured training programmes, certifications, courses and proctorship following the GESEA guidelines.

Click each category below to see more details:

Home Workshops

What is GESEA?

The Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) programme
is a structured educational programme for Gynaecological Endoscopy. It trains
and certifies knowledge and practical skills prior to surgical competence.

Are you on the GESEA MIGS Pathway? The GESEA Workshop helps participants 
to practice the psychomotor skills used in the GESEA Certification Exam. 
Learn from the industry-leading experts and receive personalized feedback 
to help you improve in LASTT, SUTT, and HYSTT exercises.

High Care Professionals

High Care Professionals

The High Care Professionals (HCPs) of MIS Academy Europe are leading doctors
in the field of Gynaecological surgery. HCPs contribute to the scientific and
educational programs of the Academy.

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